
Weekly Challenge: Mind The Gap, Ebooks or Paperback?

In Challenges, Opinion, Opinion/Personal on February 4, 2013 at 2:08 pm

Maybe I’m overdoing things, but in addition to my regular posts about randomness and my participation in the February daily challenge, I have also decided to try to participate in the challenges posted by The Daily Post.  This week, they set up a poll to vote on your preference between ebooks and paperbacks.  I voted and was so glad with the results it showed me afterwards.  It seems most people still prefer paperbacks.

The world is losing so many things to the growth of technology.  Don’t get me wrong – I’d die without the convenience of my smart phone with Google constantly right at my fingertips.  But, especially in this case, I would also die without that touch of old school.  There is nothing better than the crack of opening a new book, except for maybe opening an old book that has that smell.  You know the one I’m talking about.  It’s the smell of history on its pages, of the many people who got lost in the pages the same as you are about to, the smell of the shelves it’s been sharing with other books of its time.

I attribute this to the weekly visits to the library that my mother took me on when I was growing up.  I was an early reader and I loved it, so my mother indulged me (and herself) with hours at the library.  This was my first chance for freedom.  I was a good kid, so I knew what the limits were.  No making messes that I didn’t clean up, no leaving the building, no being loud, and let Mom know if I decided to go to a different area.  My mother would surround herself with her own choices in the adult section and would leave me on my own in the children’s section.  I was a pro with the Dewey Decimal System and the card catalog, but I preferred to just walk until I saw a name of a book cover that caught my eye.  Then I would post up in a corner and read.  I would read until I finished the book or until my mom came to find me.  I always picked around 2 books to check out, as well.

My love of words and reading and writing is probably one of the top 5 things my mother has taught me or passed down to me so far, and physically holding a paperback book fills me with nostalgia for this quality time spent buried in pages and my first taste of feeling “grown up”, and also reminds me of that connection I will always have to my mother.  So, paperbacks all the way for this chick.

  1. I agree! I am so sad every time I see a brick-and-mortar bookstore going out of business because it reminds me that people are so wrapped up in their Kindles and Nooks and whatever else that they forgot how AWESOME it is to hold (and smell!) a new book.


  2. I don’t know if it’s e-books that are putting the bookstores out of business so much as Amazon undercutting on all their prices, but I do mourn the loss of bookstores. There is nothing like the experience of going to a store. The sounds, the smells, the occasional bookstore cat. *sigh*


  3. This is why every time my mother comes to visit me, we make a point to hit both the big bookstores in my town and buy at least one book or magazine. But I’m thinking of weaning her away from those at least once to try one of the smaller, non-chain bookstores downtown. Less selection, less convenience, but much more personality.


  4. […] Weekly Challenge: Mind The Gap, Ebooks or Paperback? « Casual, Possibly-Nonsensical Ramblings […]


  5. I totally identified with this, although I did dump my smart phone after becoming allergic to being contantly available to the world. I was a library-goer, too; we lugged our books there and back every weekend. We didn’t have a tv, so books were my means to escape and dream, and it’s stuck. THanks for a beautiful post:-)


  6. At the risk of making you sad, looks like the poll results are now about 3:1 in favour of ebooks!


  7. I would rather have paperbacks as well 🙂


  8. […] Weekly Challenge: Mind The Gap, Ebooks or Paperback? […]


  9. […] Weekly Challenge: Mind The Gap, Ebooks or Paperback? […]



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