
Who, Me?

I graduated from EKU in Richmond, KY with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Child & Family Studies and I am currently employed in my area of study for almost 10 years.  I live in Winchester, KY just on the outskirts of the city life in Lexington and I am enjoying it so far.  I have the comfort of a smaller, quieter, sleepier little town with the bustle and lights of the small city only a short drive away.  I have a wonderful, hardworking, artistic, sometimes crazy man to share my adorable little home with who always knows exactly what I’m thinking and just what to do to make me laugh.  We have a precious, anxiety ridden, spoiled little chiweenie named Nina that will eat anything she can find (even if it isn’t food) and is my constant shadow, a second precious, pushy, easily excitable chihuahua mix named Daisy that often partakes in verbal conversations with her humans and enjoys playing primarily by just throwing her toys at people and then walking away, a blue and gold Macaw named Cleo that requires at least 1 nap per day, a specific mix of nut and fruit food in the proper amounts, loves rap and death metal, and is a better guard dog than our actual dogs are, a yellow crested cockatoo with a sordid past, a foul mouth, and a required ruffle collar to prevent self harm, AND in a few short months we will be welcoming our son.

Writing has always been a wonderful outlet for me. For a long time, I kept my writings very secret. The thought of someone reading something I’d written made me nervous, like these phrases and stings of words were pieces of my insides that I was just exposing. In addition to this fear, my free time was sucked away by the responsibilities of adult life and I lost my interest in writing. Let me rephrase – I never lost interest. My creativity was always there, but my drive was overcome with mental exhaustion. I think the pressure of my career made me snap, because I suddenly had this overwhelming urge to write. Just…write. About anything, about everything. And I wanted it to be out there, for anyone and everyone to read.

It’s been a few years now, and here I still am putting all my thoughts, creations, and ramblings out into cyberspace. It’s still scary, and I think it always will be no matter how long I continue to write, but I think it just might be worth it…

Twitter & Instagram: @kaymlink

  1. Aww.. you had me at “southern born and raised” Then you threw KY in there (oops, I mean Kentucky … as in Wildcats, Rex Chapman…not the KY J…well, nevermind 🙂 Southern girl myslelf, thank you. I look forward to reading more of your work! Congrats on the “Freashly Pressed”!


  2. Congrats on Fresh Press posting!! I loved that particular piece, while I am Yankee born I was raised a bit south of you in TN. I recieved the best of both worlds I think. I have enjoyed reading through your blog and will continue to do so. Your writing is beautiful.


  3. I have nominated your blog for the Leibster Award because I think it is great (and more people should be following you).
    You can find all the necessary details of the award via my recent post: http://kateginnivan.com/2013/02/18/so-now-im-a-leibster-award-winner/
    Keep up the great work! 🙂


  4. The way you express yourself amazes me and I guess nobody would understand you as much as yourself. Yet, a beautiful blog. I’m hitting the follow button right away.


  5. […] was very surprised and touched to have been nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award by IMTHATKAY – Thank you very […]


  6. I’m nominating you for another award! The WordPress Family award – because I think you’re pretty awesome. 🙂
    You can check out the details at: http://kateginnivan.com/2013/05/17/acknowledging-family/


  7. WELL…come on over to SOUTHERN-central Massachusetts…maybe we both can find some good reading 🙂 http://bythemightymumford.wordpress.com/


  8. Your writing is great, good thing you are not keeping it secret anymore!


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