
Archive for the ‘Pictures/Images’ Category

Nugget #56: My Prayers Were Answered

In Cleverness, Funny, Pictures/Images on September 9, 2013 at 1:44 pm

Everyone remember one my first Nuggets about my friend’s hilarious married name?  The Nugget was entitled “Hey, Leno, Lookie Here,” click that if you still need a refresher.  Anyways, my prayers were answered and visual proof provided via Facebook:

leno pic


The only thing that makes this even better than I could have imagined is the little statement peeking out right at the bottom, partially cut off but still able to be made out.  Introducing and giving a quick background on the groom: “…is the grandson of Joann and Dick Wiener.” I lost it.  Still lose it every time I see it.

Nugget #54: A Little Penis Humor In The Morning

In Cleverness, Funny, Pictures/Images on June 12, 2013 at 2:48 pm


Nugget #53: Anxiety Makes For Strange Conversation…

In Cleverness, Funny, Pictures/Images on June 10, 2013 at 4:46 pm

For some people, social anxiety surpasses the average face to face communication. In this case, chatting online can turn quite strange…


Nugget #52: Its Not What It Looks Like!

In Cleverness, Funny, Pictures/Images on April 22, 2013 at 9:58 pm


Yoga class was rough. Wait, we are still talking about yoga, right? Right…

Nugget #48: It’s Always Sunny In Our Special Little Minds

In Cleverness, Funny, Pictures/Images on March 10, 2013 at 7:33 pm


I don’t think this even requires any further explanation.

Nugget #42: Facebook is a Pool of Facepalms

In Cleverness, Funny, Pictures/Images on February 2, 2013 at 12:56 pm

IMG_2894Gotta love the typos and drama…

This is oddly reminiscent of a certain Youtube personality, Miranda.  I also follow her on Twitter, and all of her posts are of this quality.  The difference is that her’s is done purposefully…


Nugget #40: Girl Drunks

In Cleverness, Funny, Pictures/Images on January 23, 2013 at 10:09 pm

IMG_2877 tumblr_lxvkruuVn71r1j9gbo1_500

There are 2 kinds of girls’ nights: staying in (boozing and bitching) and going out (drinking and dancing)

A girl’s gotta have a good balance of both.  We got it all on lock like that.

Down for emotions or just getting crunk, anybody?

IMG_2948 tumblr_m239q8Etpk1rsaqlvo1_500

Nugget #38: Who’s a Pitbull Fan?

In Cleverness, Funny, Pictures/Images on January 13, 2013 at 5:43 pm
Calle Ocho 2011 (46 of 50)

Calle Ocho 2011 (46 of 50) (Photo credit: photo-gator)


She hates the thought of being friends with certain people that annoy her, almost as much as she hates Pitbull and his style of music making (Big city, big city, random spanish word = somehow radio worthy).

Nugget #36 & #37: Body Molds 101

In Cleverness, Funny, Pictures/Images, Quotes on January 7, 2013 at 7:32 pm

It’s a double feature tonight, guys!

These two go hand in hand, so I figured I’d just post them poth together.

My friend and I found a candle of a…unique…design in a very odd shop on Beale Street while attending Memphis in May in Memphis, TN.  Believe – this thing was purchased and sits atop a wall shelf in my friend’s home.  But it also generated a story: a tale about an owner of a small business…


Soundbite:  “The slogan is ‘drip, dry, and apply.’  The name: Cuntsty Candles.”

Nugget #34: Girl, You Hippo Sexy

In Cleverness, Funny, Pictures/Images on December 31, 2012 at 10:07 pm

Apparently, in the Madagascar movie, the male hippo is trying to pick up the female hippo and uses some pretty funny lines about her large size.  So we decided to use them inappropriately when we got separated after a long night out full of drinks:

IMG_2423Even worse was when I went on Youtube to see if I could find a clip of the scene where he says these things.  Instead, I found this:

Guess who’s about to be sending this video to a ho on Facebook 🙂

Singing Heart

Poems by Octavia Barratt


Breaking Free From The Past, In Hope For A Bigger & Brighter Future

One Day at a Time

The world is a confusing place, these are just my musings on it.

The Girl

enjoying whatever life has to offer...