
Posts Tagged ‘Memes’

Nugget #28: Memes in Real Life

In Cleverness, Funny, Pictures/Images on December 9, 2012 at 4:27 pm

Real-life Rage/Memes I found myself

Close Enough:                                                                        Challenge Accepted:

I would like to thank Know Your Meme for helping me stay relevent and up to date on internet trends and for giving me plenty of entertainment. 🙂

Nugget #12

In Cleverness, Funny, Personal, Pictures/Images on November 18, 2012 at 4:19 pm

Just a regular old text conversation, taking the “Like A Sir” meme to a whole new level: Like a Cat-Sir and Like a Ham-Sir rolling into Bucksnort.

Bucksnort, by the way, is a little town that I have never been to, but saw the name on a road sign a couple of times on a trip to Memphis, TN.  We imagine that with a name like Bucksnort, one must expect only the classiest and poshest of towns.


Singing Heart

Poems by Octavia Barratt


Breaking Free From The Past, In Hope For A Bigger & Brighter Future

One Day at a Time

The world is a confusing place, these are just my musings on it.

The Girl

enjoying whatever life has to offer...