
Posts Tagged ‘Kentucky’

The Agent of Injustice

In Opinion, Opinion/Personal, Personal, Random on September 2, 2015 at 4:22 pm

Kim Davis.

There’s no way you haven’t heard her name or seen her face at least once for her refusal to issue marriage licenses in a Kentucky County, despite being ordered by the federal court multiple times and now possibly facing fines and jail time.  To some she’s a martyr, standing up for her religious beliefs.  To some she’s a nuisance, furthering stereotypes of the region and keeping her tax payer funded job position despite refusing to perform her job duties.

First of all, let me start by saying that this country was built for people to have the freedom to have their own beliefs and to fight for those beliefs.  I applaud those that are brave enough to stand out from the crowd and stand firm on their beliefs.  My issue with her is not that she is standing up for her religion.  My issue is that, should her personal beliefs conflict with her job and changing her personal beliefs is not an option for her, then she should find a new job.  My issue is that her personal beliefs being allowed to affect her job performance is hindering the freedom of others.

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This is Halloween, Part 1

In Non-Fiction, Opinion/Personal, Personal, Writing on October 24, 2013 at 10:40 am

I’ve always loved the supernatural: movies, documentaries, reality ghost hunting shows, costumes, all the like that spikes in popularity through the month of October.  So in honor of my love for this area and for my favorite holiday, Halloween, of course, I decided to share a few stories I’ve heard over the years and a few of my own experiences.  For the first story, I feel I should start at the beginning with part of the reason I ended up getting so interested in this area to begin with.  This is a story that happened long before my time that I’ve heard told and retold many times over the years from childhood.

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How Religious Are You, From None to Westboro?

In Opinion, Opinion/Personal, Personal, Random on February 1, 2013 at 10:38 pm

I will apologize in advance for the length of this post, but it will take every word to fully explain.

I’ve been tossing around this idea for a long time.  It’s one that I encounter almost daily.  For a long time, I went with what I was familiar with.  Then I realized that I didn’t buy into the familiar anymore, but I was too afraid to say that out loud.  Then one day, I just said to myself, “why?”  I was honest in my head – why not be honest out loud?  Of course, that only opened up a whole new arena of judgement and questioning, but I feel better about it now because at least my reactions and my answers are really mine.  I know this sounds like an amazing close to a long post, but I figured I should get it out of the way early on, just in case I offend someone and they decide not to finish reading.  I stress to anyone any time I have this conversation that my belief and my vocalization of my belief holds no weight against another’s belief.  It is our right as human beings to have the sense of mind to develop our own beliefs.  I also do my best to never judge someone based on differing beliefs.  I say I do my best because, inevitably, it does happen.  However, it only happens in special cases, which I will address in this post.  I suppose, first and foremost, I should start with my main point: I do not believe in religion.

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A Quickie While We Do Some Math

In Opinion/Personal, Personal, Work Related on January 11, 2013 at 4:06 pm

No.  Not that kind of quickie.  Sorry…

I will not go into the fact that I’m a bad blog-mom again.  I know my posts have been minimal.  But I have an equation for you:

4 years + approximately 200 miles + approximately 150 credit hours = my Psychology degree

And now:

Psychology degree + extremely demanding job + general life expenses = (broke  + unhappy) x stressed the eff out.

So I’ve got all these numbers of time, distance, paychecks, bills, and so on, that all lead to the result of me being generally unhappy with the point I’ve reached in my life.  I worked my ass off to get my college degree, something that I thought I would be insanely happy doing, but then got a quick reality check upon graduation.

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Nugget #29: As Long As It’s Not By Blood…

In Cleverness, Funny, Quotes on December 10, 2012 at 9:51 pm


“It’s a weird story.  I don’t like to talk about it.  People think I date my cousin and I don’t.”

While I won’t give an explanation to this statement, I will confirm that incest is not common where I’m from (and I am from Kentucky) and was not committed here either.  There were, in fact, no dating cousins.

Topless Isn’t So Bad Sometimes

In Opinion/Personal on September 14, 2012 at 6:53 pm

Before I actually get into the meat of this post, I first want to remind anyone reading this that you are on my blog, which I use to discuss things I believe or am interested in.  I am fully expecting most people to disagree with me, and I am fully anticipating negativity from this.  But I also feel a great importance in giving my stance on this matter and standing by it.  I’ll also start by giving a quick run-down of why this seems important to me right now.  It’s an issue that has been debated for a pretty long time, at this point, and I’ve never had an interest in voicing my opinion on it before.  That was my own stupidity, my own self-centeredness.  Before, I couldn’t really see how I was directly effected by this, so I brushed it off.  Not much has changed – I am still not directly effected by this, but it is affecting plenty others right in front of me.  A recent experience I just so happened to walk upon allowed me to see this controversy in an all new form of clarity. Read the rest of this entry »

Singing Heart

Poems by Octavia Barratt


Breaking Free From The Past, In Hope For A Bigger & Brighter Future

One Day at a Time

The world is a confusing place, these are just my musings on it.

The Girl

enjoying whatever life has to offer...