
Posts Tagged ‘Opinion’

We’re Growing! Now let’s get real, Part 3

In Personal on November 18, 2018 at 9:59 am

Part 1: Morning Sickness

Part 2: Cravings & Aversions

So here’s the thing – the ugly honest truth – not being able to eat might not be the worst thing right now, since there’s a 50/50 chance that you won’t be going to the bathroom successfully anyways…

Digestion and…constipation

This was probably the first symptom I had, before I even realized I was pregnant. No test yet, no realization that my period was late, no sickness – just awful, terrible heartburn nonstop that refused to be treated by any method known to man.

Second was the opposite end. It’s not a pretty subject, but I figure I might as well do away with embarrassment and being self-conscious since all my boys and pieces will be poked and prodded endlessly through this pregnancy and delivery. Everything you manage to eat will collect in your gut for days and refuse to digest or pass.

Like, days…

And guess what? A lot of these OTC meds you may have on hand already aren’t recommended for pregnant ladies. So what does the internet offer? “Drink lots of fluids.” Check! I’m constantly thirsty even when not pregnant, but it’s gotten even more extreme. So I increased it even more, and quite possibly came the closest in history to drowning myself internally with the high amounts of urine my body was creating only around every 10 minutes. Still no changes in the bowel department.

“Try a natural solution, like prunes.” Sweet baby Jesus, prunes… I’d almost rather stay constipated than have to force feed myself another one of those things! And it only slightly helped get my guts rolling again.

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Spoken Word Superstars

In Opinion, Opinion/Personal, Personal, Recommendations on May 2, 2014 at 8:08 pm

Almost everyone can tie themselves to alcoholism.  Either you have a family member who has battled it in the past, or still currently is, or you had a friend growing up with a parent who struggled with it.  For those of you fighting it yourself, I give you a virtual handshake.  While I have not struggled with an addiction, I have seen others and I know how difficult it can be.

Alcoholism runs in my family, both sides.  Both ym grandfathers were alcoholics.  My mother’s father quit drinking before I was born, but I caught bits and pieces of stories growing up from the bad days.  I witnessed how much his drinking and behavior while intoxicated still affected my family, despite his being sober.  It was obvious that fixing the problem may not always cancel out the conseuences.  My father’s father never beat his addiction to alcohol and, also before I was born, passed away.  Again, through family stories, I was made aware that his alcoholism maifested itself in 1-2 week long benders every couple of months or so.  During his last week long bender, he took his own life.

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How Religious Are You, From None to Westboro?

In Opinion, Opinion/Personal, Personal, Random on February 1, 2013 at 10:38 pm

I will apologize in advance for the length of this post, but it will take every word to fully explain.

I’ve been tossing around this idea for a long time.  It’s one that I encounter almost daily.  For a long time, I went with what I was familiar with.  Then I realized that I didn’t buy into the familiar anymore, but I was too afraid to say that out loud.  Then one day, I just said to myself, “why?”  I was honest in my head – why not be honest out loud?  Of course, that only opened up a whole new arena of judgement and questioning, but I feel better about it now because at least my reactions and my answers are really mine.  I know this sounds like an amazing close to a long post, but I figured I should get it out of the way early on, just in case I offend someone and they decide not to finish reading.  I stress to anyone any time I have this conversation that my belief and my vocalization of my belief holds no weight against another’s belief.  It is our right as human beings to have the sense of mind to develop our own beliefs.  I also do my best to never judge someone based on differing beliefs.  I say I do my best because, inevitably, it does happen.  However, it only happens in special cases, which I will address in this post.  I suppose, first and foremost, I should start with my main point: I do not believe in religion.

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Topless Isn’t So Bad Sometimes

In Opinion/Personal on September 14, 2012 at 6:53 pm

Before I actually get into the meat of this post, I first want to remind anyone reading this that you are on my blog, which I use to discuss things I believe or am interested in.  I am fully expecting most people to disagree with me, and I am fully anticipating negativity from this.  But I also feel a great importance in giving my stance on this matter and standing by it.  I’ll also start by giving a quick run-down of why this seems important to me right now.  It’s an issue that has been debated for a pretty long time, at this point, and I’ve never had an interest in voicing my opinion on it before.  That was my own stupidity, my own self-centeredness.  Before, I couldn’t really see how I was directly effected by this, so I brushed it off.  Not much has changed – I am still not directly effected by this, but it is affecting plenty others right in front of me.  A recent experience I just so happened to walk upon allowed me to see this controversy in an all new form of clarity. Read the rest of this entry »

Singing Heart

Poems by Octavia Barratt


Breaking Free From The Past, In Hope For A Bigger & Brighter Future

One Day at a Time

The world is a confusing place, these are just my musings on it.

The Girl

enjoying whatever life has to offer...