
Posts Tagged ‘Video’

Electronic Drums: A Wife’s Review

In Non-Fiction, Personal on December 29, 2017 at 1:42 am

I married a musician. I was fully aware of this long before the “I do’s”. First it was guitar, then banjo, then electric bass, then upright bass, then back to banjo. Throw in some keyboard occasionally. But then my dear (lucky he’s so cute) husband decides he’s due to truly learn drums. This is fine, I support the arts. Except we live in a 2 bedroom house of small square footage, so even slight noises carry. It’s okay, dear (lucky he’s so cute) husband has a resolution:

Electronic Drums

So he gets them on a pretty amazing deal (kudos) with the promise of headphones and no noise disturbance so my sleep schedule won’t be affected – since I do have to wake up earlier than him on most days and, as is typical, his creative moments tend to hit late at night.

Except even electronic drum play is dependent upon the force with which they are played.

Get electronic drums, they said. It won’t be loud or disturb other areas of your home…

I love my husband.

I support creativity.

I support the arts.

I love my husband.

I’m going to scream if he isn’t done soon.

I love my husband.

I support creativity.

I support the arts.

I love my (soooo lucky he’s so cute) husband. Dammit.

And finally, it’s quiet. And he climbs into bed with (lucky) me.

I have these kind of days…

In Funny, Random on April 28, 2015 at 9:42 pm

Update, and a little something to get you through your day

In Random on January 28, 2015 at 10:22 am

I have neglected my blog a bit.  In going through old posts and things today, I realized how outdated some of it is – namely my Who, Me? page.  So, I updated it.  There’s more accurate info and a few pictures on there now.  Feel free to take a look, check it out if that strikes your fancy.

And also, if you’re like me and need a little pick-me-up to get through the day without a full on breakdown sometimes, I’ve included the following instructional exercise strange and oddly entertaining video for your viewing pleasure.

Spoken Word Superstars

In Opinion, Opinion/Personal, Personal, Recommendations on May 2, 2014 at 8:08 pm

Almost everyone can tie themselves to alcoholism.  Either you have a family member who has battled it in the past, or still currently is, or you had a friend growing up with a parent who struggled with it.  For those of you fighting it yourself, I give you a virtual handshake.  While I have not struggled with an addiction, I have seen others and I know how difficult it can be.

Alcoholism runs in my family, both sides.  Both ym grandfathers were alcoholics.  My mother’s father quit drinking before I was born, but I caught bits and pieces of stories growing up from the bad days.  I witnessed how much his drinking and behavior while intoxicated still affected my family, despite his being sober.  It was obvious that fixing the problem may not always cancel out the conseuences.  My father’s father never beat his addiction to alcohol and, also before I was born, passed away.  Again, through family stories, I was made aware that his alcoholism maifested itself in 1-2 week long benders every couple of months or so.  During his last week long bender, he took his own life.

Read the rest of this entry »

Whatever You’re Doing, Stop Now And Watch…

In Opinion, Opinion/Personal, Random, Recommendations on March 12, 2013 at 7:14 pm

Watch.  Just watch this.  This woman amazes me.  Beautiful, fit, a mom, a wife, a singer, apparently a dancer, an all around success.  This song gets me every time, and the video is stunning.  So just sit back and watch it and love it, because I do…

I’m Easily Entertained and Desperate for Funnies

In Funny, Random on March 10, 2013 at 8:07 pm

I have been on a search lately for things to lift my spirits.  One of the best things ever in the world is to laugh so hard that you cry.  Your stomach hurts, you can’t breathe, your face is red, your mascara smeared, and you love it.  At least I do, anyways.  It’s also supposed to be good for mental and physical health.  So I came across a video called “People Yelling Like Goats Yelling Like People.”  I was super confused, so of course I had to watch it.  Laughed my ass off.  But this led me to even more questions, such as what inspired this video and where are these goats that sound like humans?  And then, by pure chance, my friend shows me a Youtube video that’s basically a goat compilation a couple of days later.  I literally almost fell of her couch and could not catch my breath through the entire video.  I think  it’s always important for people to have a good laugh as often as possible, so I thought I’d share.  If your mind is an off as mine, you’ll find this quite amusing as well.

I don’t know how the people kept straight faces…I’m still laughing.

Then I found this, which I love.  I’m not a big Taylor Swift fan anyways, but man these goats are killing it!

Nugget #34: Girl, You Hippo Sexy

In Cleverness, Funny, Pictures/Images on December 31, 2012 at 10:07 pm

Apparently, in the Madagascar movie, the male hippo is trying to pick up the female hippo and uses some pretty funny lines about her large size.  So we decided to use them inappropriately when we got separated after a long night out full of drinks:

IMG_2423Even worse was when I went on Youtube to see if I could find a clip of the scene where he says these things.  Instead, I found this:

Guess who’s about to be sending this video to a ho on Facebook 🙂

Recommending: Shia Labeouf

In Opinion, Opinion/Personal, Personal, Recommendations on December 31, 2012 at 9:55 pm

I know my last recommendations post was on movies, but I saw something recently that YET AGAIN make me think twice about this actor and changed my opinion of him, so it’s too hard to pass it up or make this post wait.  But, as I always do, I must start at the beginning…

Two words: Louis Stevens. I don’t know one person close to my age that didn’t love Even Stevens.  If you don’t know what it is, it was your typical Disney show based on a dysfunctional family and the shenanigans they got into.  Shia Labeouf played the younger sibling, Louis, who was always in some kind of war or competition or fight with his older sister Ren.  They couldn’t stand each other, but when it came down to it, they would eventually have each other’s backs.  Shia Lebouf entered the world of entertainment as this goofy kid who actually did slapstick comedy really well (especially compared to most Disney actors these days).

Not gonna lie, even at 26 this makes me giggle.


The first is a scene showing how difficult things can become for a person with a disability, and gives a slight peek into how horrible people can treat others.

The second is a scene that truly shows how horrible people can be.  And also how those horrible people should be treated, in my opinion.

If you can stand it, I did find the entire Tru Confessions movie on Youtube in 5 sections, I think.  It’s not great quality, but if you want to watch something bad enough, you will.

Now we know this kid can actually act.  He does a couple more Disney projects, finishes up Even Stevens, then makes his break into movies not made for television.  He has small (but lovable) parts in I, Robot and Constantine (which has been on the SyFy channel every time I’ve turned my television on lately) and has a part in Bobby (which is also a great movie).  Then comes Disturbia.  It’s a serious movie, a suspenseful thriller with a little action thrown in.  I’m watching, I’m liking, I’m thinking, “Ok, so he can do a little physical stuff, too.”  Then *BAM*, he hits us with Transformers and Eagle Eye.  So this emotion evoking comedian now does action, too?!  What can’t this guy pull off???  I’m almost positive that any person could throw any concept and any scene at him and he could do it in his sleep.  Not to mention he has grown up to be quite the nice looking man.

So what is it that I came across that made me rethink Shia Labeouf again?  After all I’ve seen, what else was there?  Well…there was his full nudie scene in a music video.   I stumbled across the name Sigur Rós.  I’d heard it a few times, seen it around, and when a song randomly came on my Pandora, I became interested.  I looked it up on Youtube.  The music is beautiful and haunting.  Then I see that there is an actual video for this one song, Fjögur píanó.  There’s a warning that the video contains nudity, I’m expecting some boobs here and there since that’s generally all nudity is.  I see Shia Labeouf and the lady, which exposed boobs as expected.  But then it’s full frontal of both of them!  I literally had to pause the video and google it, thinking a man very closey resembling Shia Labeouf had to be this actor, but no – it is truly him throughout the entire video.  After the initial shock (not of seeing Shia Labeouf’s package, but just the fact that a guy’s junk was shown because, seriously, that never happens) I restarted the video from the beginning and watched it all the way through.  Yes, they are naked.  Yes, they are dancing together and holding each other and touching each other.  But I never found it to be sexual. The video, the music – it was beauty.  It was art.  It was breathtaking.  I am not an overly emotional person, but by the end I had tears in my eyes.

If you don’t like naked bodies, this isn’t the video for you…

So now he’s done it.  Yet again, this guy has amazed me.  He has danced and acted without even using one word, and made me catch my breath at how good it is.  I get it that lots of people think he is a d-bag.  I don’t know anything about his personal life.  All I know is that he continues to impress on-screen.  So basically, I will watch anything this guy is in – forever.  And I think all of you should, too.

Nugget #6: Jive Turkeys?

In Cleverness, Funny, Personal, Pictures/Images on November 11, 2012 at 8:08 pm

This is a common thing for me, to receive random text messages with random links to even random-er videos.  It’s safe to say we have a slight obsession with pointless things on Youtube.  This one is quite entertaining and my friend that sent this to me and I actually did al altered recreation of this video, except it was with adult story time and a dramatic reading of the elevator sex scene in 50 Shades of Grey.

Check out the video for Turkey Dubstep here.

I’ve also discovered there is a part 2, aptly named Another Turkey Dubstep.

Singing Heart

Poems by Octavia Barratt


Breaking Free From The Past, In Hope For A Bigger & Brighter Future

One Day at a Time

The world is a confusing place, these are just my musings on it.

The Girl

enjoying whatever life has to offer...